Virgin Listing
Welcome to the Listy- Loo! I have decided over the past months that my favorite thing about blogs are when bloggers post lists. I love lists and maybe you do too. Enjoy!
10 Things I Love Today (but maybe not tomorrow)
10) The Twin Burger Platter- this is from my local diner and it is sooo good. It is 2 burgers and fries for like $9. Where else in NYC can you feed 2 people for $9. I WILL hate this tomorrow.
9) My Car- I was able to go to a mall today because I have a car. A rare occasion. I was also able to park it- a bonus.
8) The Internet- it allows you to do so much in so little time. What else is there to say except who are you kidding Al?
7) My Cole Haan bag- I really like this bag I bought a lot. Since I was at a mall today I could carry it around. I miss you purse- damn you diaper bag!!!
6) Starbucks- I love a good iced coffee on a summer day. Tomorrow I will remember that they are not in my neighborhood and for that I am grateful.
5) Flip Flops- I wait all winter to break these suckers out. I will wear them until it is 65 degrees outside.
4) Straws- such a simple thing. I love drinking with a straw and I love that an unwrapped straw keeps my kid entertained for at least 20 minutes.
3) Elevators- if there is an elevator I am on it or I should say in it.
2) Dove deodorant- since this came on the market I haven't used anything else. It really is the best.
1) My Hair- I finally figured out how to straighten it myself and have it look ok. This is my hair miracle. It has changed my life.
I looooove flip flops too. Remember in college when we could wear them EVERY DAY if we wanted to?!?
Dove deoderant is amazing. It smells good, it goes on smooth and not crumbly or messy, and it really does make the skin smooth. But they still haven't come out with a clear kind that won't leave a little whiteness behind! =(
I have two containers of Dove deodorant--two scents--one to have at home and one to carry with me.
Oh, yeah, damn Starbucks!! There are two in my neighborhood and three on my way to work. I'm addicted. You can't beat an iced chai (through a straw, of course!).
Lynn...1st a a blog! too much. love ya, Stewart
Oh bendy straws, I heart you to no end! I seriously think plastic is the greatest invention ever and it's most perfect application seen in the straw.
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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