Nutty Ain't Just For Squirrels
I used to think that all the crazy people on the planet Earth had somehow found their way into my family and my family only. As an adult I have come to find out that they are really everywhere. I have worked with them, become (and then unbecame) friends with them, shared subway cars with them.
Well, celebrities are people too! They are always telling us that. J-Lo's mantra is that she is still Jenny from the block. So by that logic equation, there must be some crazy celebs out there. You know them. You've read about them. Now here is the list of my favorite crazy celebrities!
1) Little Richard- whoa! That wig! That make-up! Those sounds! And now that weird Geico commercial . Kathy Griffin tells the funnniest story about him meeting Anna Nicole Smith. Two crazies in one room.
2) Whitney Houston- "Crack is whack" and Being Bobby Brown. That says it all for me.
3) Britney Spears- you may wonder why BS is on the list and I will tell you. She hasn't done anything SO out there but she will. She is doing a lot of little dumb and crazy things which can only lead to bigger crazier things. She will be the Michael Jackson of her generation. Mark my words!
4) Michael Jackson- this is just a given.
5) Paris Hilton- well, the fact that she has put out an album makes her delusional and delierious. Who is listening to this? I also ask myself the question "Why do I know who she is?" every time I see her. Please see the review of Paris's "music" on Vinyl Edition for more evidence to the fact that Paris Hilton is crazy.
BS has most definitely done something "SO out there"
just look at her husband!!! ;)
I agree with you, LL...Britney's going to go Anne Heche on us one day and start asking for the aliens.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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