Shake It Up
Sometimes its the little things. On occasion it is something that hits you over the head. However obvious or quiet, when something reinvigorates me I try to make a mental note. Put it in my back pocket if you will. I never know when I might need a little rejuvenation. Human beings are creatures of habit. Most people I know, myself included, get stuck in the same behaviors. Every day we wake up and go about our daily routine. Wake, go to work, have lunch, finish work, home, bed, etc. Now we here at the LL are not an advice blog and don't plan on becoming one. However, we think that everyone could use a little free advice now and again, especially us! Here is our list of
6 Things To Do To Wake Up Your Life
1) Get Out of Your Comfort Zone- do something you know is difficult for you. For me that would be going to a party where I don't know anyone (sweat, sweat)! It is hard to do sometimes but the rewards are worth it.
2) Do Something Where You Will Meet Someone New- take a class on your own or go to a sporting event solo. Even going to Starbucks by your self can mean that you will make a new friend!
3) Try Something Completely New- come on, there has got to be something that you have always wanted to try but just haven't done yet. Sky diving? A trip to Ireland by yourself? You know you have a list of these things somewhere. Get it out, dust it off , and cross something off the list!
4) Ask Yourself What You Need To Work On- everyone has flaws, that is a given. But are you actively trying to become a better person? Go ahead, it will feel good to work on yourself in that way!
5) Reevaluate Your Relationship- its good for both parties every once in a while to sit down and make sure you're on the same page. Even if things are going well, this can make them better. Ask yourself hard questions and answer them honestly. I do this several times a year and I am married. I have to say, I think my marriage is better off because of it.
6) Stare Death In The Face- OK, maybe you are emotionally handicapped and can't seem to manage anything else on this list. There is only one thing you can do to really get some new perspective- try to kill yourself while safety devices are being used. Go skydiving, bungee jumping, or wrestle an alligator. For me skiing is a near death experience. Once you look at death close-up and live to tell the tale, your life will look very different.
My life must be very exciting and awake because I have done or am doing items 1,2,4,5 and 6, some of them more than once. So how come I don't feel particularly invigorated or alive?
It's oh-so-ironic, given how critical L-L is of my #6 activities... ;)
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