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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Hate LA

What is a LL to do? All my big city friends seem to be trading in taxis and a change of seasons for the land where they make porn- yuck! Why would anyone want to live there? I mean, I know why people move out there but I could never live there. You have heard it here first the LL will never never, ever relocate to the City Of Fake!

5 Things To Hate About LA

1) Earthquakes- the LL likes to see natural disasters coming. That was one of the very few pluses about living in the sunshine state. Three days out the weather man says "There's a storm coming our way. We think.". Then, the next day you realize it really is headed in your direction and you pack up your shit and get out of dodge. The no warning natural disasters scare the shit out of me.

2) Movie Writing Dry Cleaners- everybody is in the business and if you act like you are an important person in the business you'll be handed screenplays by everyone. Except maybe by actual screenwriters.

3) Traffic- The evening rush hour in LA starts at like 1:30 PM. Just thinking about that makes me suicidal.

4) Space Cadets- I'll take rude people over flaky people any day!

5) Pollution- Yes, I know we have pollution here in NYC but at least you can't see the pollution every day. We also don't get a smog rating every morning with the local weather.


Blogger MXF said...

I just went to LA a few weeks ago and the traffic made me insane. I called my friend (whom we late to see because of said traffic) and screamed, "I hate this city! Why do you live here?!?!?"

2/06/2007 4:46 PM  
Blogger MXF said...

PS-I hope you are not incl. me in the "big city friends who move to the land of porn" category. I would NEVER live in LA!

2/06/2007 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who's sat for hours in traffic on a Sunday afternoon coming back into NYC on the LIE or over the GW can handle LA traffic. I've driven through LA in Friday rush hour traffic, and honestly, it's not as bad as New York.

Plus, the mountains, the beaches... it's beautiful country. At some point we'll have to live in California, though preferably not LA. ;)

2/07/2007 12:20 PM  
Blogger Listy-loo said...

J Boo-Its true everyplace has traffic but NOT like LA. I think u were high driving out there.

You should move to California. After your wife dies.

2/07/2007 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I'm one of the big city friends LL is talking about. *hangs head in shame*

LA traffic sucks, it's true. But I can't pass up the weather, the beach, and the FLIP FLOPS!

2/09/2007 6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. i must say that I think I saw porn being filmed while I was out there. There was a gentleman wearing a robe (and underpants) and two lovely young ladies dressed like whores hanging out with a cameraman at our hotel. My guess was definitely porn.

On the other hand, I saw Jeffrey from Project Runway on my place back to NYC!

2/09/2007 6:21 PM  
Blogger curseofleisure said...

I am totally with you. I hate LA. I spent a lifetime there for 6 months. Everyone there pretends to be very relaxed and easy going, but underneath they are in fact the most nervous, strung out, frightened people I have ever met. The only nice thing about LA was the nearby natural beauty and the climate, both ruined by the smog and the afore-mentioned human element. Even the whole "every day is sunny and nice" thing got annoying after awhile. I hope I never have to go back.

2/11/2007 11:46 PM  

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