Factual Friday
1) Tom Sawyer was the first novel written on a typewriter.
2) Butterflies taste with their feet.
3) Coca-Cola was initially green.
4) There are more statues of Sacagawea in the United States than of any other woman.
5) Pigs are the only animals besides humans that get sunuburned.
6) Jupoter is bigger than all the other planets combined.
7) The average woman uses up approximately her height in lipstick every five years.
8) When they began their romance Cesar was 54 and Cleopatra was 21.
9) Florida law forbids a housewife from breaking more than three dishes a day.
10) In 1982, a Chicago women burst into flames for no apparent reason as she walked down the street.
That's awesome. God bless our critical legislature.
#10: Spontaneous combustion is one of my favorite mysterious topics. Let's talk about it some more...
Good thing I'm not a housewife in Florida (nor ever will be) because there are days...
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