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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Shut Up!

There are certain slang that when I hear people say it that makes me sick. Why do we continue to use these rediculous words? Here are

8 Words/ Phrases to be removed from the American Lexicon

1) "You go, girl!"
2) "That's hot!"
3) "Da bomb"
4) "Aaiight"
5) "Touch base'
6) "S'all good!"
7) "talking out my ass"
8) "Pimp" or any combo of "pimp" and another word or phrase


Blogger MXF said...

I actually like aaiight, but I hate s'all good. That is a phrase only drunk frat boys and silly donut girls use.

9/24/2006 2:41 AM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

Did you see "Permanent Midnight"? Ben Stiller on a crack binge says "That's hot" and da boi and I quoted it forever. Then Paris took it over and everyone atriubutes it to her. SO NOT COOL!!!! =( I still say it and inform whoever will listen who I'm really quoting!

9/25/2006 12:41 AM  

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