I contemplate putting up my extensive to-do list for today's post. It seems silly.Silly seems silly Today.
As Jay-Bee is walking out the door to go to work, he reminds me that if anything happens today, there is gas in the car and the Tri-Borough is the fastest way away from here.If I have to, just take the baby and go- don't wait for him. I do not want to have this conversation but I know in my heart of hearts that not having it would be even worse.
Today, this day, always makes me think back. The thing that stands out the most in my mind was how grateful I was to have my husband walk through our front door. Something in me knew this was a gift that thousands of spouses wouldn't get Today, something I will always be grateful for. I try to think about gratitude in my life today. My list today could be much much longer, I am happy to report but Today here are
20 things I am graterful for:
1) My family
2) My friends
3) Peace and Quiet
4) Cooking
5) Music
6) My Health
7) Friends (and myself) turning 30
8) Parents turning 60
9) Laughter
10) Hot Showers
11) Email
12) Vacations
13) Triathalons
14) Coffee
15) Cookies
16) Happy, Giggly Babies
17) Blogs
18) Going Home
19) Coming back to where I live
20) My husband coming home
A fine list, indeed.
9/11 should become the new Thanksgiving.
Amen, Sister.
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