
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Tri and Tri Again

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I spent this weekend with The Fink participating in the Danskin Women's Triathalon in Sandy Hook, New Jersey. While the race was difficult, we determined it was very worthwhike in the end. The medals we received for finishing say "The woman who starts the race is not the same woman who finishes the race." Cheesy? Yes. True? More than you will ever know.In my attempt to get more women next year to participate, today's list consists of

20 Reasons To Do A Triathlon:

1) Beacuse you can!
2) Once you finish this, many things will seem a lot less difficult.
3) It is one of the most supportive athletic events you can participate in.
4) You will feel like a hot athlete when you are finished.
5) Let's face it, your ego could use a little boost!
6) Why not do it?
7) The satisfaction you get from telling the people who thought you'd NEVER do it that you did it fabulously!
8) It is much easier than trying to do a marathon. Those people are crazy!
9) You could meet a cute doctor in the medical tent. We did!
10) You can support other women, which is nice.
11) You probably look hotter in a swim cap than you think.
12) Doing a triathalon is one of those things you can bring up at parties to impress people.
13) This is also one of those things you can cross off that "life list" you've been making for the past 5 years that still has nothing crossed off.
14) The meals before and after the race can be whatever you want 100% guilt free!
15) The training and race could possibly have you in the best shape of your life. I am in better shape now than I was at 25.
16) If a 65 year old can do it, you can too!
17) If a 14 year old can do it, you can too!
18) You get free stuff.
19) You might win a diamond necklace like The Fink!
20) You may never feel more accomplished. Why pass that up?

PS- The Danskin Triathlon series has cancer survivors as participants. It is truly amazing. They actually start the race. When The Fink and I were heading back to the car feeling sick and dizzy and in much pain, we passed a woman talking on her cell phone. I heard her say, "Scared? No, I wasn't scared! I went through 16 weeks of chemo. What do I have to be scared of?". Nothing like a little perspective! I will now think of her everytime I am at the start of a race and I am scared!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hot athlete- yes!

Really, there's no reason not to do it!!

9/18/2006 12:55 PM  
Blogger VE said...

Reading that made me windy.

9/18/2006 2:43 PM  
Blogger MXF said...

Made you windy like the wind or windy like a clock?

9/18/2006 6:09 PM  
Blogger VE said...

5. unsubstantial or empty.

But I see the error of my ways. I should've said "winded." Or maybe just "tired" would have suffised.

9/19/2006 8:11 PM  

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