
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Seasons Change

I am very excited! My favorite season is almost upon us. I guess Fall is my favorite time of year because growing up in Florida we didn't have much of a fall. I used to love looking at the clothes in the back to school catalogues. I couldn't get a wool skirt because it was still 85 degrees out. I digress. So I noticed that it felt fall-like the other day but it wasn't actually fall. Here are some

Signs That Fall Is In The Air

1) It gets dark out earlier.
2) The air thins out.
3) You start thinking about Halloween costumes.
4) You start thinking about Thanksgiving dinner and wonder why you don't eat turkey dinners more often.
5) Football season starts.
6) Baseball season ends.
7) The trees are a million colors.
8) Tomatoes and watermelons are replaced by pumpkins and sqashes at the Farmer's Market.
9) The stores are overwhelmed with back to school crap.
10) You or someone you know is planning a trip to New England.


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