First Things First
Thud turned one last week and we had a birthday party for him on Saturday. Now that I am thinking about it, he managed to accomplish quite a list of firsts at the party. They are mostly things that no one would normally think about but fun for me, none the less. Here is the list of
Thud's Firsts at His First Birthday
1) Slide- With the help of Jay-Bee, Thud went down the little slide on the playground when we got to the park. It was such a thrill for him. The look on his face was of pure elation! After lunch, he gradutated to the large slide on the playground. Again, no fear- just an ear-to-ear grin!
2) Cake- Until Saturday, I had managed to keep refined sugar away from my child. It isn't that difficult to do. I mean you just don't give a baby a Hershey Kiss. I had grand plans to make a seperate cake for him with no refined sugar and no white flour but I just couldn't get it together to do that. He got a cupcake just like everyone else. He only ate three bites so I don't think it did too much damage!
3) Candy- There were M&Ms decorating some of the cupcakes and Thud got one of them. I forgot to take off the M&Ms before he began to dig in. He wasn't supposed to have them. They are a choking hazard (big time). Somehow he managed to grab one and shove it in before I could even realize that he got it. I went in after it and it was already gone. My one year old son has now consumed M&Ms. I guess there are worse things to give your kid.
4) Leaf- Thud is a city baby to the core. Riding the subway is second nature to him and noise doesn't phase him one bit. Things that most children have in their backyard- grass, dirt, birds- are still a big mystery to him. So it occured to me as I was digging leaves out of his mouth on Saturday that this was the first time he had tried to consume anything like this. Most kids his age have managed to down a fist full of grass or some dirt or sand by this point in their lives. Viva organica, my little urban one.
Thud definitely loved the slide--he was so cute and brave! Yay for firsts!
Disappointed I missed the bash!....
I'm proud of him for leaf and MnM consumption.
Though just so you know, by the time I was one, I was doing long division with Roman Numerals.
I'm just saying...
Good to know, VE. By the way Thud said you could make it up to him by reviewing the following album on your blog:
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