What I'm Into 3.0
From time to time, we like to keep you the reading public informed as to what the LL is into. Since we tend to be groundbreaking with our items. I don't think I need to remind you the we had Pearl the Landlord posted before a lot of other people but I digress. So, there are some things we've been obsessing over as of late. You know what I mean- those things you can't get our of your head. Here is our list of
Current Obsessions of the LL
1) Alexia Garlic Bread- I am not the bread person in my house. Bread is usually just ok to me. I have now found the Holy Grail of bread. It is the best thing ever. I can eat half the loaf. I don't get to eat the other half cause I would have to fight Jay Bee to the death to get to it. Its the new Fairway Salsa. I just found out they make a twin pack. God help me.
2) Flight Of The Conchords-I usually obsess over one show every summer and this is it for this year. If all my friends got together and made a show it would be kind of like this. The boys are cute in that indie rock way and their one fan is very funny. I am not usually into comedy acts that sing and play guitar but this really works!
3) Perez Hilton- I read this blog like 3 times a day at least. How am I supposed to know what all the hot celeb gossip is? Besides they show all the really horrible beav shots uncensored.
4) Funniest Website Right Now- you have to click on the link to find out what it is. I can promise you this- it won't disappoint.
While Will was napping the other day and just now I spent way too much time on Perez's website... and it's all your fault!!! ;)
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