
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Older But No Wiser

I was out with the girls tonight. The subject of drinking in our pre-baby days came up and we started to trade a few war stories. For me, when drinking comes up, throw up stories are quick to follow. I have come to realize I have thrown up more from drinking between the ages of 25-30 than during my college years. So stupid! The most ironic thing about this is that I HATE to throw up. I will avoid throwing up at almost all costs. Over the years I have learned some tricks so that I don't have to spew. Here is my list of

4 Tricks To Avoid Throwing Up

1) Brush Your Teeth- works for me almost every time.

2) Eat A Breath Mint- something about mint is calming to the stomach. I like Mentos for this. The chewing is good too cause it sends saliva to your tummy to help things out.

3) Drink Some Coca- Cola- this is one of those remedies that peoples grandmothers swear by. Everyone needs a little soda once in a while!

4) Snack On Crystallized Ginger- something about ginger to me is a bit spicy but it has a calming effect on the tummy. You could use any form of ginger really, so anything from ginger ale to pickled ginger off a sushi plate would do in a pinch. Hopefully you don't feel like throwing up!


Blogger The Fink said...

Coke is definitely my favorite remedy... and not because it's my favorite beverage of all time.

I concur on the worst puking once I left school. The top two have to be the bachelorette party and the day I had to do two shows in Central Park hungover.

6/15/2007 2:30 AM  

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