The Little Things
Just like things can make a day head south quickly, I have found that it works the other way too. A crappy day can be turned around by the smallest thing. In the spirit of the season, here is our list of
5 Things That Can Make My Day
1) Surprise UPS- getting an unexpected delivery from the UPS man is the best! First, it is a gift. Second it is a surprise and third I don't have to lug it anywhere. What is not to like?
2) Hot Noon News Item- Thud and I watch the news every day at noon during our lunch. What can I say I am a creature of habit. I love it when there is breaking news around this time. I can watch things unfold as they happen. I guess it engages my intellect more than doing the same truck puzzles over and over.
3) Watching Martha's Craft Show- I am always inspired and feel creative after it is over. I feel as if I could do some of the projects. I should do a list of all the Martha crafts I think I can do. I hope Santa brings me a sewing machine so that I could actually attempt some of them. I tried making hair bows and I don't think they went over well.
4) A Jay-bee Phone Call- I am always the initiator of most phone communication between us. It is nice to be receiving the call every once in a while. It makes me feel special and less needy!
5) Nap- not just any nap, a good nap. The kind where I wake up on my own and sleep just the right amount. Nothing beats a good nap. Nothing. Ask Michellephant. She knows.
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