A Bettin' Kinda Gal
Normally I am not a gambler. I learned a long time ago that I am not a lucky person. I have the things I have because I make decisions that are true to who I am. I also am not much into absolutes but over the holidays I realized something: there are some absolutes that I can always count on and would wager money on them if I had any. Here is my list of
6 Holiday Absolutes
1) Leaving Something Behind- I always leave something behind in Florida. It never fails. This year it was Jay-bee's toiletry bag with our electric toothbrush in it. I didn't think it was possible to miss an electric toothbrush but I do. Come back to me, little Sonicare!
2) Thud Is Awesome!- My little one is always much better than I expect him to be when we travel. He sleeps better than I think he is going to and he is in better spirits as well. For someone who got much less sleep than he normally does, he was a chipper fellow all week. Maybe it was all the sugar cookies doting relatives gave to him! I do have to brag for a minute. We drove 1200 miles in one shot last week and he only cried once. No other complaints. He was a champ in the car! Did I mention we drove to Florida from NYC?
3) Tons Of Food + No Walking= Pain & Suffering- every year for the holidays I eat myself stupid and don't get any exercise as per the usual suburban existence. This year my body let me know in a not so subtle way that I simply can no longer do that. I will spare you the details but it wasn't pretty. I was reminded that I am in fact over 30.
4) Stewie's Soiree- every year one of my oldest and dearest friends has a Christmas Eve Eve party. I have been the last few years and I always have a good time. It is the kind of good time where I always want to stay longer and wish I had been able to talk more with everyone.
5) Time's Passing- when you go back to where you grew up only once or twice a year, it makes you realize how quickly time passes. Driving by my junior high and high school always remind me of this.
6) Never Going Back- at some point in our holiday travels, my husband will inevitably look over at me and say "I am so glad we don't live here anymore. I am never coming back here to live ever again." It varies as to when in the trip he says it. This year we were not even off the interstate 30 seconds and he started in. I get it, I get it! You don't have to tell me anymore.
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