
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Them's Good Eatin'

I leave for Florida tomorrow and have so may things to do before I take off. My list of what to pack and things to get done seems a mile long. When you have a kid, food planning becomes an important part of your day. Snacks? Check. Drink? Check. Since they stopped serving food on the plane a while ago, I have to make sure I bring enough for Thud's lunch. I don't worry about food for the adults. Why? Cause there is a Chick-Fil-A at the Orlando airport. This brings me to the topic of the day. When I get around to going to Florida, the one thing I am concerned about is eating at places I don't have in New York. You can get just about any type of food here, but there are some things that they just can't replicate or have. Here is my list of

5 Musts To Eat At In Orlando

1) Chick-Fil-A- this is a southern chicken place and they really do make the best chicken sandwiches on Earth. The closest one to us here in NYC is in Paramus NJ. That's a bit of a haul for a sandwich. This is also the ONLY fast food place I feel like I can feed my kid.

2) Rolondo's- where are the Cubans in NYC? I really am having a hard time finding Cuban food. This place is great and run by a nice family. God, I miss this place.

3) Bubbaloo's- I say the name of this place with a tear in my eye. When I lived in Orlando, there was only one place to go for BBQ. That place was B's BBQ. It has since shut the door on both locations and my trips back haven't been the same. Bubbaloo's is a shadow of what B's was. But it still beats NYC 'Q hands down any day of the week.

4) Cafe Tu Tu Tango- It's full of tourists, very loud and a chain but I still like it anyway! I am a big fan of tapas so they have me right there. Then come to find out they make a great sangria too. Yum!

5) Any decent seafood place- The seafood places in Florida are just so fresh and good. I love seafood so I will go to any non-chain restaurant in Florida for it. Why are shrimp so delicious?


Blogger The Fink said...

Enjoy the Chick-Fil-A and rock that triathlon!!!!!

5/10/2007 11:47 AM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

I have to add to your list Steak 'n' Shake, Fazoli's and Crystal Burger- they do fast food SOOOO much better in the South!!!!!!! Have fun. =)

5/11/2007 1:59 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

ps- AND JUNGLE JIM'S!!!! Damn I hope I get a chance to go back soon... ;)

5/11/2007 2:00 PM  

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