
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Hot Halloween

I am not dressing up for Halloween this year. It isn't because I don't like to dress up cause I do. I am a retired actress after all. I even looked for a costume. I have to admit it had been a while since I went costume shopping. Since when did dressing up for Halloween become "Be A Ho 4 A Nite?" I could not get over the amount of costumes at Ricky's that involved either thigh highs, fishnets or even pasties!!! Whoa! OK- I'll admit some costumes lend themselves to being sexy or on the risque side. A French maid's outfit doesn't come with an ankle length skirt and a turtleneck. However once I started looking through the "sexy" costumes, I just could not get over what they turned into sexy costumes. Here is my list of

6 "Un-Sexy" Sexy Halloween Costumes

1) Sexy Bee- you got me, when I think sexy I think insects. Maybe the stinger is the sexy part? All I know is that when a real bee is around me I try to get away ASAP. Why would I want a bee in a bustier any where near me?

2) Alice In Wonderland- this just isn't right. This is a child from children's literature. Yes, I know the back story on Lewis Carroll. That still doesn't justify turning a 7 year old into a"naughty" costume!

3) Candy Corn- really? Sexy candy? We are all a bunch of fat people who need to get laid. That's all I have to say about that!

4) Sexy Mental Patient- this costume I saw was a sexy straight jacket that you wear like a mini dress. I think it goes without saying if this is your costume of choice, you will be seeing your therapist on November 1st.

5) Sexy Nun- seriously, I haven't seen a nun under 60 in like 20 years. I guess you will attract the kind if guy who has grandma fantasies in this costume. Ewwww!

6) Sexy Federal DEA- this one was kinda random. Who has DEA fantasies? The drug dealer who secretly wants to get caught?


Blogger Shannonymous said...

Did you hear about that guy on Fox News complaining about how slutty kids costumes are? He called kids whose parents allowed them to wear such outfits "prostitots." It really is scary.

Halloween, especially in this city, is the day for girls who aren't usually slutty to whore it up. I was at a Halloween party Saturday where 2 grown women were wearing little girls' Hermione costumes. It was SO sad. ;)

11/02/2007 1:53 PM  

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