I Was Blind But Now I See
A few weeks ago, I came down with a little eye ailment. I went to the eye doctor and he gave me some medicines and sent me on my way with one instruction- no contacts. What? No contacts? How does one do that? I live in my contacts! If I could, I would have them surgically implanted in to my eyes. I feel self conscious in my glasses. I put them on and I revert back to that awkward shy kid who was afraid to talk to people. The problem is that as an adult people think you are being rude, not shy. I realized there were some practical things that I did on a daily basis that were much easier to do with contacts in. Here is my list of
6 Every Day Tasks That Are Hard To Do In Glasses
1) Taking A Shower- I can't see my hand in front of my face. How am I supposed to shave my legs or anyplace else for that matter? I have to say this was not fun at all. Showering with the glasses on didn't work well either.
2) Walking In The Rain- I guess this is the same concept as the shower. Now add a stroller with a 33 lb kid and you'll have an idea what it was like for me to walk home from the subway one afternoon!
3) Getting Hit In The Face- yes, this is an almost every day activity for me. It is usually accidental. However, one day it wasn't and Thud took a hard whack at me. My glasses actually scraped my face. It hurt and I was embarrassed. We left the park early that day.
4) Bathing My Kid- kids in bathtubs splash a lot. I am constantly wiping my glasses when I have to bathe him. Not fun!
5) Seeing Faces- I see much better with my contacts than I do with my glasses. I am not sure why but you could ask my eye doctor. He explained it to me. I have to be almost face to face with people to be positive I know them. It is kind if embarrassing.
6) The Shy Comes Out- I tend to not talk as much or go out of my way to speak up when I have my glasses on. I know, I need therapy. So if you see me with my glasses on and I am not talking to you, it is probably cause I am too nervous.
I am going through the same thing as you right now. I've only had my contacts in for two or three days out of the last month. (I finally went to the doctor last week and am using some drops.) I LOVE my contacts and am very self-conscious in my glasses too.
For some reason, I don't ever feel fully awake in my glasses. I think it's because I don't normally wear them unless I'm getting into or out of bed.
I feel your pain! I hope you get back to contacts soon.
Long-time reader, first time commenter...
I'm also occasionally stuck in my horrible glasses for scraping my cornea or some other ball of pain. And I have a horrendous time driving. I am not in the habit of turning my head all the way around to check my blind spot because in contacts I have a functioning periphreal vision going on. Yet in glasses, if I just glance to the right or left, I'm glancing LITERALLY INTO MY OWN BLINDSPOT -- the place where my glasses don't cover my 20/500-blind-as-a-fucking-bat vision.
Also, like you and Jane I assosicate wearing glasses with a) being awkward and/or b) being unawake and often ill.
Anyway. I'm rooting for you.
It's such a shame for the many men (like yours truly) who find girls in glasses a HUGE turn-on.
I switch back and forth between my contacts and my glasses. I guess the key is finding a pair you really love. I do not wear my contacts in the shower though because I fear losing one down the drain. I shave by feel, not by sight...for better or worse. I will not wear glasses if it's raining though.
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