
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Things To Learn

This is one of those lists that has been brewing in my mind for a long time now. It has been a while since I have learned to do something new. I like doing new things. It keeps your mind sharp and your soul young. What was the most recent thing you learned how to do? Here is my list of

6 Things To Learn

1) Knitting- I can crochet but I am not too keen on the way crocheting looks. Knitting always looks so nice. I like doing things with my hands where you can actually show someone what you've made

2) Quilting- It is such a cool old art form. I have seen some really graphic modern quilts that just look so cool!

3) Guitar- I think I can teach myself the basics. I think. I just think it would be fun to have an instrument under my belt that doesn't involve a bow and pianos are too big for my NYC apartment.

4) Tiling- I want to go to Home Depot and take a weekend tiling workshop one weekend and the next weekend retile someone's bathroom. I think its all the HGTV I watch. If I only had a house!

5) Chocolate Making- it always looks so easy on TV but I think this would be difficult. I want to make those fantastic chocolate sculptures that Jaques Torres makes on Food Network.

6) Final Cut Pro/ I Movie- I hate that Jaybee has all the say in the editing of the family videos. It isn't that he doesn't do a good job cause he does. But I want to try my hand at it too. Maybe he could teach me as a Christmas present (cough cough).


Blogger Shannonymous said...

I have had a guitar since summer of '91 and I STILL haven't learned to play it. I suck. The boi has started saying he's going to learn though, so maybe he can teach me!

9/25/2007 2:06 PM  
Blogger Listy-loo said...

I'll buy it from you if you want to sell it!!!

9/25/2007 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I taught myself how to knit and it kind of sucks. I'd be down to take a tiling class with you at Home Depot.

9/26/2007 12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! There's a tiling "clinic" at Home Depot on October 6th 11am-12pm. I'm game if you are.

9/26/2007 12:28 AM  

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