In The Afterlife
Death has been on my mind a lot lately. I think death sucks. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe death isn't as bad as I have made it up to be. What I should really concern myself with is what is on the other side of death. The afterlife has been debated for eons. My guess is that it will be debated until humans cease to exist. Then we'll all get to know who was right. After all, isn't that what is important?
5 Interesting Ideas For The Afterlife
1) Heaven As A Gated Community- I was watching my myspace friend Jim Gaffigan on Comedy Central the other night and he made the joke that Heaven must be in a bad neighborhood to need the Pearly Gates. Thus today's list was born. It got me to thinking about ideas about heaven/hell/afterlife. Some of them are pretty interesting. The idea of The Pearly Gates is interesting. So pretty! And interesting. Did I say interesting enough?
2) Hell As Your Own Worst Nightmare- One theory is that Hell is a personalized experience. Like Starbucks but different. You are punished by whatever you deemed the worst experience. For me that would be standing on line- probably at the post office, complete with Celine Dion playing on the PA. There is something in me that thinks this may be a distint possibility!
3) Reincarnation- What would you come back as? A frog? A mosquito? I think I would come back as a lobster cause I love to swim and I would be delicious!
4) Ceasing To Be- To me, this is the lazy person's afterlife theory. With this line of thought, they don't have to invest in anything. I am not feelin't this. It's just too easy.
5) Pergatory- God's little waiting room! All kinds of images come to mind with this one- waiting at a train station, the doctor's office, ect. What would you be in here for exactly? I am going to need more specifics on this one.
Okay, I have to disagree with #4 because that's how I feel and I don't think I'm being lazy. I'm NOT not invested...I'm ultra-invested because these x years are all I have. It's not too easy...I actually think it's insanely hard to believe you will ever cease to exist on any level.
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