
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thud 2.0

I can't believe it. My tiny little baby isn't really anything resembling a baby anymore. Today Thud turned 2. He is taking on all of the text book two year old behavior. He is saying "mine" and "no" a lot more. However, he is still the same great little boy underneath the terrible twos exterior. In the midst of a fit he'll do something funny. That's how it works- just in the middle of making me crazy and then he does something that makes me just want to squeeze him I love him so much . Here is my list of

3 Things I Love About Thud (The Reader's Digest Version)

1) The Laugh- that is what most people comment on when they meet Thud. He has had a great laugh since he was about 5 months old. I love it. There are many things I love about him but this one is my favorite!

2) The Tape Recorder Effect- he has this habit of repeating everything we say at home. I mean EVERYTHING. Most recently, I was bringing in the groceries while trying to wrangle him in the lobby of our building. I said "This is a nightmare" while putting 40 lbs of groceries down to wrangle him from the stairs. 30 minutes later I hear "This is a nightmare". I have to say it keeps me honest and I need that.

3) The Element of Surprise- sometimes I don't even know he knows some of the things he says. He just knows stuff. He is even starting to conjugate some verbs. OK, color me impressed!


Blogger Shannonymous said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO THE WONDERFUL BOY!!! Can't wait to babysit him again. =)

8/26/2007 10:21 PM  

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