
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's So Easy Bein' Green

Vivi was telling me the other day about her new purchase. No, not a new Iphone or great jeans- new shopping bags that she can take to the store with her! They are made from recycled material and now she doesn't have to use up a million plastic bags either. There are lots of little things we can all do that are easy and earth friendly. Let's face it, you can't argue against global warming anymore. The question now becomes what do we do to reduce it? Here are the LL's

10 Favorite Easy Things You Can Do To Be Green

1) Farmer's Market- you want to but you never seem to get there. Now there is a reason to go!Buying locally grown food cuts down on green house gases produced cause your food had a lot less distance to travel.

2) 1 Napkin Rule- take one napkin when you are out at a restaurant where they have paper napkins. If you need another one by all means take another one. But how many times do you take like 3 and wind up just throwing them all away?

3) Veggie Day-The production and processing of grains require far less water and land than meat. Crazy huh! Take one day a week and go vegetarian. The world and your body will thank you.

4) Public Transportation- here in NYC this is easy to do. In other places though, there are still things you can do to cut down on your use of your vehicle. Try car pooling, walking, biking or taking mass transit. More alternatives to the car mean less pollution, gridlock and urban sprawl. Email local politicians in your area to see what they are doing about alternative transportation.

5) Recycle- simple, I know. If your area has recycling, USE IT!!

6) Off- if it isn't in use, turn it off. This goes for lights, a/c units, faucets, ect. My grandfather used to holler about this kind of stuff all the time when I was a kid. Who knew that he wasn't just a cheapskate, he was an environmentalist!

7) Grandparent's Mentality- adopt your grandparents mentality about wastefulness. My grandparents lived through the depression and they could make anything last forever and they also knew how to use something and not have any waste.

8) Get Rid Of Junk Mail- there are ways to get off those annoying mailing lists. Just read what they are sending you and they usually tell you how to do it.

9) Biodegradable Dish Detergent- regular dish soap is petroleum based! Yuck! I found a biodegradable brand that I like. You can get it at Target so I am guessing you can find this stuff everywhere.

10) Cleaning- clean your bathroom and kitchen with a combination of vinegar and baking soda- use vinegar and newspaper to clean mirrors and windows- dust with a microfiber duster (its reusable, you just throw it in the washing machine)


Blogger The Fink said...

Oooh ooh! I have one! Unplug your appliances when they're not in use. It wastes energy and money just to leave them plugged in.

8/22/2007 1:34 AM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

you so totally rock for this list. GO LL!!! =D

8/22/2007 3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually have all my rechargables (cell phone, GameBoy, PDA, camera) plugged into a power strip. I recharge them all at once, then turn the power strip off. It's the equivalent of unplugging things. Very handy!


8/23/2007 1:41 AM  

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