
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

By Year's End

I would just like to start off by saying that blogging after a lot of red wine is not a good idea. We at the LL do not recommend it. It makes people sentimental and thus results in weird blog posts. I also can recommend Red Truck's California red wine. The 2005 is good but if you can find 2004, get that instead.

Since the New Year, I can't help but think about my little one. It really is amazing how much kids can grow and change in a calendar year. That got me thinking about this time next year. There will be a whole new arsenal of tricks. The sense of humor he has developed will change a bit. His social skills will get stronger. Here is my list of

6 Things Thud Will Be Able To Do By 2009

1) Sleep In A Big Boy Bed- this is planned for some time this summer. I think he is ready.

2) Use The Potty- I want this to happen now. I hate changing diapers on someone who could possible kick out a tooth.

3) Not Eat Crayons- apparently this happens around the 3rd birthday. Kids stop putting things in their mouths. I can't wait. It really is gross what my kid will put in his mouth.

4) Participate In Activities- right now, classes are a dicey option for us. I tried to do a music class and at the trial class, Thud spent the entire time trying to run out the front door. Awful!

5) Turn 3- no big party this year. Too much stress! I think we are going to go to Sesame Place and have breakfast with Elmo!

6) Play With Big Boy Cars & Trucks- lots of toys that Thud wants are for 3 and up. I am sure my house will be full of Hot Wheels cars by year's end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds heavenly to me!! I can't wait to be in yout shoes. I'm amazed that only a few weeks ago my baby was the size of a pepercorn and now it's the size of lemon and it has eyes, ears, arms, legs and fingernails! Blows the mind doesn't it?


1/18/2008 1:08 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

He's such a good boy! He'll get the potty training soon I'm sure- boys especially take SUCH pride in learning to use the toilet! =)

1/19/2008 12:45 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

oh and PS- I totally agree with you about drunk blogging. I'm starting to think I shouldn't even be allowed NEAR the computer when I've had a few... ugh! ;)

1/19/2008 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot my summer goal- riding without training wheels! My young prodigy will be ripping it up in the playground this summer on two wheels, not four...

1/23/2008 2:21 PM  

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