
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Little Overindulgence

I do not consider myself a shop-a-holic. I enjoy browsing as much as the next girl but when it comes to making a commitment at the register, I tend to get cold feet. I can also talk myself out of buying lots of things. Like anyone, there are always exceptions to this. Always! Here is my list of

5 Frivolities I Could Overindulge In

1) Make Up and Hair Products- I could go into Sephora and drop $500 in a matter of minutes. I am a cheap skate who sees nothing wrong with paying $40 for mascara or $50 for hair conditioner from the Amazon rain forest.

2) Electronics- I see other people with new gadgets and I want them too. Iphone- want it!

3) Chocolate- oh how I adore chocolate. I can't think of anyone who doesn't. I really like Vosges. They have really interesting flavors and make a candy bar with bacon. Who cares how much it is?

4) Accessories- I am not as in to clothes any more. I can't really own nice clothing at this stage in my life. They run a high risk of getting ruined. Now my focus is accessories. I have always loved bags and shoes. Wallets and key fobs now do it for me too!

5) Books- I have a running list of books I want to get/buy. Right now there is 10-12 books on it. We are running out of room for books at my house. That is a good thing, right?


Blogger Shannonymous said...

In preparation for doing my make up at my wedding, I bought a bunch of different mascaras; for the first time in my life I let myself buy the expensive brands at Macy's, Sephora, M.A.C., etc. And you know what I found? The mascara that really works/looks the best? The least clumps, the most volume and length? Still my Maybelline for $5.49. Maybe I just have cheap lashes that respond well to their own kind. ;)

2/16/2008 9:52 PM  
Blogger TinselTeeth said...

I agree! Maybelline Great Lash is still the best mascara I've found!

And, as for books, I finally got a library card this weekend and checked out a book instead of paying for it. What a concept!

2/17/2008 7:10 PM  
Blogger Listy-loo said...

I have Great Lash too but sometimes I need the Lancome mascara! A girl's gotta have some vices. I just got my library card as well. I want to take Thud to the children's library in mid-town.

2/18/2008 9:11 PM  

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