
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Friends Are The Friendliest

My friends are an essential part of my life. My college friends in particular are like my 2nd family. I was able to get together with a bunch of them last night for drinks and to talk and catch up. I think a good time was had by all. I love that I can go months or in some cases over a year without seeing some of them and pick up right where we left off- the sign of any beautiful friendship! So last night as were muscling our way over to sit down at a table, I looked around and was reminded as to how lucky I am to have these people in my life. They all have something different that they give me. Here is my list of

5 Things I Count On From My College Friends

1) Support- it has come in all sorts of forms from these guys. It might be babysitting from Shannonymous or a Panera visit with Big Bill that makes my day go by faster or a movie with Tinselteeth ( I think I have to re- title her. The braces are gone now!) They have all helped me in some way and they may not even know it.

2) Havin' A Laugh- these people are funny. Plain and simple. My face always feels a bit tight on the way home. In a good way.

3) Honesty- I feel like for the most part my friends are honest with me in a good way. They are not mean about telling me things that I need to hear. I think if your friends can't be honest with you, than no one can.

4) In Spite Of- my old friends love me in spite of my self. They take me for who I am, flaws and all. I think a few of them even enjoy a few of the flaws in a weird way!

5) A Simple Understanding- These are people with whom I have had life changing experiences with. They have been to funerals and weddings with me. We have faced criticism and praise, put in crazy insane hours on projects with one another. My college experience was an equivalent of "The War" in my life. My comrades experienced the same things with me. We have been there and back together- I don't have to fill them in on things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hung out with a crapload of Jolly Rolly people tonight and I agree with all the things on your list. It's amazing what a shared history means. And it was just like back in the day, except we're all married and can't drink as much as we used to.

Though the NYC Jolly Rolly Mafia is still number one to me, LA's is growing on me too.


2/10/2008 3:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. I think a good graphic for this list would be the Golden Girls.


2/10/2008 3:53 AM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

I totally agree. With both of you. And I LOVE YOU! =)

2/10/2008 12:14 PM  
Blogger Listy-loo said...

Golden Girls- brilliant! I am running on our lap top right now and it won't let me add a picture. Will do so when we fix our hard drive!

2/12/2008 12:55 PM  

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