
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Cinematic Charm

Well, I am back from the land of tea and Queens. London was wonderful and I had a great time. I got to see a friend I haven't seen since she moved across the pond, I didn't have to worry about any one's food allergies, and I slept in a bit. All fab luxuries in my every day life. I tried to keep up with the day to day goings on in London with the news but had no idea what they were talking about half the time. Then it occurred to me- all my "knowledge" of Britain comes from 2 places- BBC America and the movies. I wanted to have a bit of a British film festival before I left but there wasn't time. Here, anyway, is my list of my

7 Favorite British Movies

1) Sense and Sensibility- my favorite movie ever made.

2) Bridget Jones' Diary- just funny and fun. And who doesn't love Colin Firth?

3) The Full Monty- we used this as research when we did Blood Brothers in college.

4) Love Actually- There are some great shots of London in this movie. I also happen to love all the actors in it as well. Except for Keira Knightly. I hate her.
5) Calendar Girls- a great comedy about growing old gracefully!

6) Saving Grace- a great little movie that "does".

7) Braveheart- if you are in the mood to hate the British, nothing will make you feel more justified than this film. I saw this movie right after I was rejected from studying abroad in London. I was glad I wasn't going after watching Braveheart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all of these movies except that I haven't seen 5 and 6. And I love Colin Firth so much, I feel a little weird about it.


6/04/2008 12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant choices, mate. Cheers.
Oh, and I love the first "Elizabeth" -- makes me wish we still lived in an era of Tudor clothing. Though not so much in an era of, you know, beheadings.

6/04/2008 4:23 PM  
Blogger Listy-loo said...

Thanks, Sass! I did like Elizabeth as well. Of course, now I realize I also left off Lady Jane with Helena Bonham Carter and Cary Elwes.

Fink- Watch Saving Grace. You will not be disappointed!

6/05/2008 8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lady Jane was so good!!

Saving Grace is going on the netflix queue.


6/05/2008 2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does everyone love Colin Firth? Can we just be realistic and admit that that guy is not good looking?

Also, "Tristram Shandy: A Cock & Bull Story" is a fantastic British film. Highly entertaining.


6/12/2008 11:42 PM  
Blogger Listy-loo said...

Because he is charming and funny and he is good looking for an English guy.

I haven't heard of "Cock and Bull". I will have to investigate!

6/14/2008 7:47 AM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

colin firth is not good looking but he's so sincere i can't not feel a soft spot for him in my heart ;)

oh and i hate kiera too. she is always pouting her lips and trying to be natalie portman. i want to tie her up and force feed her french fries until she grows out of that 14 year old boy's body!

6/15/2008 10:39 PM  

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