
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Killing Time

For some of you who know me in my real life, you know that I am pregnant. I am very excited and happy about all of this since hubby and I have been trying off and on for a while now. I am due in December Now for me and my type A personality, that seems like a lifetime away. I have devised a way to mark the time without driving myself crazy. At least I think I won't go crazy. So maybe you too are crazy excited about something that is happening in December. Perhaps my little list will help you pass the time. Here is my list of

8 Event Markers To Help Count Down To December

1) NC Vaca- coming up soo to be filled with BBQ, in-laws and other people to mind the little one. Can't complain about any of those things!

2) The Olympics- I am a total geek for the Summer Olympics. I watch all the swimming I can. I also can't help but be taken in by all the personal stories of the athletes. If Bob Costas narrates it, there is a good chance I will cry!

3) Thud's Bday- come mid August, Thud turns 3!! The plan was to go down to Disney but said pregnancy has put those plans on hold. We are off to a theme park in PA that will probably disappoint mom and dad, having lived in the theme park capital of the world. Thank God Thud will not know the difference. Not yet anyway.

4) NCAA Football Season- I am a huge UF fan. I won't fit into my sweatshirt this year but I can still watch all the games I can find on TV.

5) Birthday Season- From mid September to mid October, it is birthday season in our neighborhood. We will probably have a birthday party every weekend for a month. I like going to kid's bday parties. The kids are always excited, you get to actually talk to some of the other parents, and free food!

6) Halloween- I love Halloween. I have come up with the best pregnant lady costume ever and will share with you at said time. We have a fun little parade in the 'hood and a good time is had by all.

7) Thanksgiving Prep- I make Thanksgiving every year, since we usually go home for Christmas. There is some amount of prep involved. This year I am grateful to have it to take my mind off of things. I am just hoping to still be pregnant at Thanksgiving as Thud was 6 weeks early!

8) December 1-I am due on 12/21. My goal is to be pregnant until December 1st. That is my wish. Dear God, I hope my body makes it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Enjoy the time you have right now... don't try to rush it!

7/08/2008 11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sending you "keep it in!" vibes!! I'm not particularly looking forward to december, but I can't wait for the olympics!!


7/09/2008 2:20 AM  
Blogger Listy-loo said...

Fink- thanks for the good vibes!

7/10/2008 9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work, Listy. We need more cool kids with good parents.
Also, when you come to NC, you are totally welcome to come sit in my kitchen while I feed you.

7/11/2008 4:13 PM  
Blogger Sojourner (You Can't Handle the) Truth said...

my birthday is in december. i really hope i get to share a birthday with your offspring. december 7, a day that will live in infamy on so many levels.

7/27/2008 12:26 PM  

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