
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

We have needs too

No, no its not that. And its not those kind of needs. Sorry to disappoint. I was talking about my neighborhood. We are lacking some essentials. Let's discuss

5 Things Needed In The Hood
1) Grocery Store- we have a C Town. Trust me that does NOT count. It is the smelliest dirtiest grocery store I have ever been in. Please give me another option!

2) A Library- I signed a petition for this on my way into voting this fall. As far as I am concerned, this one can't happen fast enough.

3) Bakery- All the bakeries near us are commercial bakeries. That means I get tortured by the smell every day of butter and sugar, knowing there is no place to go and buy what I smell. Just mean if you ask me.

4) Drug Store/ Hardware Store- Sometimes you just need small things for your everyday life. For the love of God, please come soon Duane Reade!

5) Indoor Space for People With Kids- this used to exist at a local coffee house. The owners had kids and the space was large and open so they could move around. Then the building they were in was sold to be turned into condos. The new coffee shop is NOT kid friendly. What a bummer.


Blogger TinselTeeth said...

We should pool our $ and open up a hip bake shop in LIC. Like Magnolia Bakery, but better! We'd be rich.

3/07/2007 5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm down with teeth's plan.

Where are you, listy? Are you too far from the Stop & Shop on 48th and Northern and its friend, Home Depot? The bright lights and wide isles of Stop & Shop make the trek worth it for me.

I think Astoria lacks a good bookstore. We need a giant corporatey Barnes and Noble or Borders.

3/07/2007 9:18 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

Borders- B&N is evil- they are promoting Dr. Laura's new book! BOO. So sorry you have no DR, listy! I couldn't live without it.

C-Towns are scary. Remind me next time I come to your apt. and I'll go to Earth Matters for you =D

3/08/2007 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness we own a car. Stop & Shop is our regular grocery, and Fairway in Redhook on weekends when the traffic's light. But it would be nice to have a better place in the 'hood for when you don't want to jump in the car...

3/08/2007 3:06 PM  

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