Bad Badder Baddest
Jane has offered a bit of a challenge to me. She just did an entry on 8 Interesting Things About Me and passed the torch on to me. My problem is that I can't think of 8 Interesting Things About Me since I did my list of 100 Things About Me. I thought and thought all day. Then it came to me in a flash. Today's list is of all the things I am bad at. Pull up a chair and get comfy. Here is my list of
8 Things I Am Bad At
1) Cleaning- I have mentioned this before. I usually am just going for tidy when I am cleaning up. This almost always means that after I clean up I find something left behind.
2) Scrabble and Rummikube- my mom is the master Scrabble player. I have never won a game of Scrabble in my life and I have only won like 4 games of Rummikube. My brain just doesn't work that way I guess.
3) Lying- I don't like to lie so when I do it, I have all the classic tells. I usually get busted.
4) Keeping It In- if something is bothering me, I have to talk about it. I can't just be silent.
5) Making Risotto- I can cook a lot of things, and this isn't one of them. I almost always screw it up. It is either under done and chewy or a mushy mess. I just can't seem to get it right.
6) Running- I still walk a good portion of the running leg of all my triathlons. One day I will really be able to run, I hope!
7) Skiing- never let a Florida girl on a ski slope. It was pathetic when I tried down hill skiing. Little kids went zooming past me pointing and laughing. They even had to stop the tow rope on the bunny hill cause I got caught up in it. Mortifying!
8) Writing- ironic for someone with a blog. Jaybee says it was because I never had to write a lot of papers in college. I just think I never worked out my writing "muscle". Part of why I decided to start doing this blog was to improve my writing skills.
Some of the things you mentioned can improve with time and practice. If you're into that sort of thing.
And I'll count this as completing the task I presented to you. You're right, you did 100 things and that's way more than 8.
And you said you couldn't do it! Don't be too hard on yourself. I consider myself farely accomplished at cooking and risotto is freaking hard.
didn't you ever take a Tom Cook class? I feel like I had to write SOOOOOO many papers for him (not that I minded).
PS- I second that: risotto is WICKED HARD!
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