OK people! This is it. The biggest list yet on the Listy-Loo!
100 Things About Me
1) I am 30 years old.
2) I am a college graduate.
3) I am a feminist, mother and wife.
4) I can play the violin and the cello.
5) I am a huge stand-up comedy fan.
6) I once held my high school's swimming record for the 100 yard butterfly event.
7) My freshman year of High school I almost managed the track team instead of working on the spring play.
8) I want to lose 50 pounds.
9) One of my secret dreams is to be a guest on David Letterman's show.
10) Sometimes I hate the holidays.
11) My favorite meal of all time is a boiled lobster, corn and a green salad.
12) I want to travel to all 50 states.
13) I used to sew for a living.
14) I would like to learn to knit and quilt.
15) Some days, I hate living in New York City.
16) One of the hardest things I've ever done was breastfeed my son.
17) One of my most dreaded moments is going to a party where I don't know anyone or only one person.
18) Harrison Ford is my best celebrity sighting- come on, he is Han Solo and Indiana Jones!
19) Tina Fey is my idol.
20) I think funny is sexy.
21) My husband knows my deepest, darkest secret and he is the only person who knows it.
22) If I could have any celebrity's body I would request Selma Hayek's.
23) I have driven all over England in a car.
24) I do not own a "little black dress".
25) I don't really wear skirts.
26) I love make-up.
27) Since I became a mother, TV is my main form of entertainment.
28) I find the political climate in this country sad.
29) I still believe with all my heart that one person can make a difference in the world.
30) If I really like a song, I am one of those people whoo can listen to it over and over again.
31) I do not watch soaps but I do watch Oprah.
32) Cooking qualifies as my main hobby.
33) All of my children will be required to play a sport and a musical instrument.
34) I like watching college football.
35) If I won the lottery, I would open a theater company.
36) O am afraid of heights- very afraid!
37) One of my goals in life is to NOT raise bratty kids.
38) My faveorite board game is Trivial Pursuit.
39) I wish I'd listened to my mother when she wanted me to take typing class in high school.
40) I think people should say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". Not everybody celebrates Christmas.
41) I always wanted a sister.
42) I am not a big fan of horror films or westerns.
43) This list took me much longer than I expected to put together.
44) Sense and Sensibility is my favorite movie of all time.
45) Gilmore Girls is my favorite current TV show.
46) Tori Amos's Little Earthquakes is my favorite album of all time.
47) I think everyone should make an effort to get out of their comfort zone from time to time.
48) Every day I am sad that I don't have a washer/dryer and a dishwasher.
49) I spent my honeymoon in the Pacific Northwest.
50) I am not a good housekeeper.
51) My favorite ice cream flavor is rum raisin.
52) I do not wear gold jewelery.
53) I learned to drive on a car with a stick shift.
54) I hate downhill skiing.
55) Fall is my favorite season.
56) The best show that I ever directed is Beyond Therapy.
57) I don't get video games.
58) I've never left comments on a message board.
59) I think I am the oldest user of Facebook.
60) I am a Gemini.
61) The last movie I saw at the movie theater was The Davinci Code.
62) I wear a 7 1/2 wide shoe.
63) My engagement ring belonged to my grandmother.
64) I would like a flat screen TV for Christmas.
65) My favorite drink is a margarita on the rocks with no salt.
66) I worked at the Santa Fe Opera Company for a summer.
67) My most boring job was as a bank teller.
68) My worst job was assisting a Broadway producer.
69) One day, I would like to own a Chanel suit.
70) I know fast food is bad for me. I saw Super Size Me and was horrified, but sometimes, I just need a Big Mac.
71) I support gay marriage.
72) I don't think I would ever have elective plastic surgery.
73) I keep up with celebrity gossip.
74) Dwight Shroot is my favorite character on TV right now.
75) I hate washing dishes.
76) Even as an adult, I still have nightmares involving Darth Vader.
77) If I could afford to go to therapy, I would.
78) Having a child has changed my body.
79) I still bear the emotional scar of having a high school boyfriend laugh at me when I wore my glasses to school one day.
80) I married a man who loves it when I wear my glasses!
81) My heart always leads my head.
82) I wish I was better at drawing.
83) Sometimes I grow fearful about the world we are leaving for our children.
84) I almost didn't graduate from college because of a mix up with my theater production credits.
85) I do not like to do things I am not good at.
86) I am a terrible Scrabble player.
87) I don't know how to play Sudoku.
88) I have been to Jane Austen's grave site.
89) I have slept in a castle.
90) I believe in ghosts.
91) I can not keep a plant alive to save my life.
92) I wore a corset under my wedding dress when I got married.
93) I hate math.
94) If I could permanently straighten my hair I would.
95) I have been on stage at Broadway's Scheubert Theater.
96) The only color I have NOT dyed my hair is black.
97) My son's middle name was decided on a hand of poker. I lost!
98) I lie about my height.
99) I wish I could have a dog.
100) I am trying hard to break the cycle.