Hilarious George
"Whover coined the phrase 'let the buyer beware' was probably bleeding from his asshole."- George Carlin
This week marked the passing of one of the most influential comedians of the 20th Century. George Carlin was incredibly smart and dangerously funny. I loved watching his HBO specials as a kid growing up. His last special was made earlier this year and he was scheduled to get the Mark Twain Prize for Humor this year. I am sad to know there will be no more HBO specials. I am sad to know that the Kennedy Center will be missing its honoree in the fall. Here is my list of
5 Facts About George Carlin
1) The Tonight Show- Johnny Carson loved him. As a result, he made over 130 appearances over the course of his career!
2) SNL- He was the first host of the first episode of SNL. He was also high on cocaine while doing it.
3) The Radio- He started out on the radio as a DJ.
4) The Law- he was arrested for using the "7 dirty words" on the radio. The case, FCC vs Pacific Foundation 1978, went to the Supreme Court.
5) Grammys- George Carlin won 4 Grammys. All for comedy albums of course!