I'm A Loser Baby . . .
It is Friday night. As per usual, I am at home. I used to live for going out on Friday nights. However, my circumstances have changed and now I am home bound. So now the question becomes "What do I do on a Friday night?" Maybe every once in a while, you find yourself in the same predicament. Let Listy help you. It's ok. I have done this before. Here is my list of
5 Things To Do On A Friday Night At Home
1) Watch BBC America's Friday Night Line Up- The funniest full night of TV. There is The Office, Little Britain, and Ab Fab. So good. Make some margaritas and enjoy!
2) Surf The Web- get online and look at all the stuff you've been meaning to check out. You just might find something that will change your life or your mind.
3) Bejeweled- this game is like crack. I have actually had to take it off my bookmarks cause I started to ignore things in a bad way. This is a way to kill an hour in the blink of an eye. But be warned, you can never get that hour of your life back. Oh, the dilemma.
4) Your Fav Movie- Watch your favorite movie. It's been a while and it will remind you of all the things you love about it. Porn counts, if you insist.
5) Sex- OK, it probably isn't going to take the WHOLE night. It sure is fun though! Turn on some music, turn off the lights and get down. No one in your life? That is ok too. Get out your Magic Wand (or hand) and get down with your bad self. I have found that even if I am not in the mood, I am usually glad I decided to afterwards!!!