
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Monday, July 31, 2006

I hate those!

I am a general lover of food. I love to eat it, cook it. However I am not one of those foodies who will eat anything. There are some things that I just can't get over. I try. Really, I do. Here are the things I think I won't eat until I am old and grey.

1) Salmon- I have tried this more times than I care to count. I NEVER like it. It always tastes uber-fishy. Blech!

2) Egg Yolks- They are the sole reason I do not eat eggsalad. I would like to point out that not eating egg yolks does have a side benefit. I do not get all that bad cholesterol that are in eggs cause its all in the yolks, folks.

3) Raw Onion- I love cooked onions. My fave is the onion ring. If a raw onion is on my food I will pick it off. They are too strong for my palate. I just can't manage to get them down.

4) Beets- This is one of those gross foods from my childhood. I have gotten over most of them now but this one still gets me. I tried beets again at a fancy restaurant that makes everything good. I thought if they are good here, then they are good and I have been getting bad beets. They were bad at the said fancy restaurant.

5) Canned pasta products- I was the only kid I knew who didn't like Chef Boyaredee or Spaghetti-Os. I can't begin to verbalize how disgusting I think these products are. They are mushy and the sauce is like watered-down Heinz Ketchup. I think I would rather eat beets!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Being a Mom

As Thud's first birthday approaches, I have started reflecting on the first year of his young life. Being a mother has certainly been the hardest thing I have ever done. I feel I need to put that out there because it is like a weird cult. Everyone paints a candy-coated picture of parenting while you contemplate it. Then when you have the baby everyone who is a parent says "Oh it gets better" or "Sleep when you can" or "It is easier when they are older". I feel the need to be honest now to you while you have no kids or are thinking about kids or maybe while you need to back up the birth control!

Having said this, motherhood also has had rewards that have far exceeded my wildest dreams. Here is my list of my favorite things about being called Mommy.

1) the nap- he is happy and smiley and at the top of his game after a good nap. His new game is turning the light switch off and on in his bedroom, which he can reach from his crib.

2) the giggles- Thud has always been a great laugher. He continues to be that way and for that I am so very grateful. He laughs at a lot of different things. The other day he broke out laughing at a box of Jell-o. You can't beat that with a stick.

3) the seek- There is nothing like knowing that someone is seeking you out specifically for comfort or just cause they like you. It makes me feel squishy inside to know that I can provide a sense of security for someone like no one else can.

4) the new- Watching someone explore an everyday object for the first time is amazing. They want to know what it is and how it works. It may just be a belt to me but to Thud it is something to ponder and explore. What does it do? Can I fit it in my mouth? Will someone come running after me to take it away?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Nutty Ain't Just For Squirrels

I used to think that all the crazy people on the planet Earth had somehow found their way into my family and my family only. As an adult I have come to find out that they are really everywhere. I have worked with them, become (and then unbecame) friends with them, shared subway cars with them.

Well, celebrities are people too! They are always telling us that. J-Lo's mantra is that she is still Jenny from the block. So by that logic equation, there must be some crazy celebs out there. You know them. You've read about them. Now here is the list of my favorite crazy celebrities!

1) Little Richard- whoa! That wig! That make-up! Those sounds! And now that weird Geico commercial . Kathy Griffin tells the funnniest story about him meeting Anna Nicole Smith. Two crazies in one room.

2) Whitney Houston- "Crack is whack" and Being Bobby Brown. That says it all for me.

3) Britney Spears- you may wonder why BS is on the list and I will tell you. She hasn't done anything SO out there but she will. She is doing a lot of little dumb and crazy things which can only lead to bigger crazier things. She will be the Michael Jackson of her generation. Mark my words!

4) Michael Jackson- this is just a given.

5) Paris Hilton- well, the fact that she has put out an album makes her delusional and delierious. Who is listening to this? I also ask myself the question "Why do I know who she is?" every time I see her. Please see the review of Paris's "music" on Vinyl Edition for more evidence to the fact that Paris Hilton is crazy.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cheating just a bit

This isn't my list. However, it is so funny that I thought I needed to share it with you. It is from a website called independents is the direct link if you want to visit:

The top 10 unintentionally worst company URLs
Attn: Entrepeneurs
Everyone knows that if you are going to operate a business in today’s world you need a domain name. It is advisable to look at the domain name selected as other see it and not just as you think it looks. Failure to do this may result in situations such as the following (legitimate) companies who deal in everyday humdrum products and services but clearly didn’t give their domain names enough consideration:

1. A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company…

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales:

7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is

9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their whacky website:

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at

Monday, July 24, 2006

Mmmmmm . . .summer TV

I love tv. I know, it makes me stupid and fat. I can live with that. Ever since the premiere of Survivor in May of 2000, summer TV has improved ten fold. So here is my latest list about Summer TV shows I am devoted to!

1) Project Runway- I know, it is normally on during the regular season but now they are running it during the summer. Am I glad! It is fun, creative and can be downright bitchy. A winning combination.

2) My Life On The D List- gotta love Bravo. I think Kathy Griffin is funny and honest. I have a lot of respect for those two qualities in people. I also think she is a great balance to reality TV's creation of a fame-obsessed America. She is a working actor and you get to see that sometimes that is a shit job.

3) Surviving Motherhood- it is on TLC during the afternoon and has made me feel like a normal person. I have watched this show every day since it has come on, which is when Thud goes down for his nap. If you are a mom and don't have friends with kids, this is the perfect show for you.

4) Honey, We're Killing The Kids- The computer graphics that htey do at the beginning of this show make it worth watching. They do an age progression on these little kids and it is too much!

5) Malcolm In The Middle- I know, this isn't a summer-specific show. I have recently discovered this in syndication and it is hilarious. The boys are crazy, the mom is frazzled and the dad is an idiot. Sometimes I stay up way too late to watch the second episode of this that starts at 1 AM.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Fave 80's fashion I remember . . .

Benetton- I always wanted stuff from this store and never could have it. No my parents weren't awful people. I was eight and the stuff was made for adults- or at least people that were the size of adults. The stores are still around but it just isn't the same.

Coca- Cola shirts- where I lived it was a big deal to have a Coca-Cola rugby shirt. They were bright & long sleeved. Why these were popular in Florida, where I grew up, I will never know. They were always so hot to wear. I have a picture of me and my friends from 6th grade and I am wearing my blue and yellow Coke shirt. Not flattering on an 11 year-old girl.

Z Cavarichi- I know you remember these! They had the label on the zipper. They were really puffy in the hip area. I never owned a pair. But everyone else seemed to have them. I think I was happy in my regular jeans.

Skids- these were those crazy colored plaid baggy pants. Again this fashion phenomenon occured in my middle school years. Those fads always seem to be the worst. Why were horrific pants so popular in the very late 80's? One word- Hammer.

British Knights- never had 'em. Don't think I know anyone who had 'em. But I do remember the commercials on MTV and it occured to me on the subway that I haven't seen this kind of shoe in years and years. Do they still exist or do you have to be a sneaker collector to find a pair?

Jordache-I hearted my Jordache jeans. The horse logo was the best.

Banana Republic-now, this was not the Banana Republic of today. When they first started out you could not buy a bridesmaid dress at BR. You could buy a safari vest or shorts. They sold safari wear. The store we had in our city had a girraffe sticking out of the roof. I think if you wanted a pith helmet they had them. It was that kind of place. The rage for us as kids was their T-shirts which had different African animals on them. I did have one of these!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Virgin Listing

Welcome to the Listy- Loo! I have decided over the past months that my favorite thing about blogs are when bloggers post lists. I love lists and maybe you do too. Enjoy!

10 Things I Love Today (but maybe not tomorrow)

10) The Twin Burger Platter- this is from my local diner and it is sooo good. It is 2 burgers and fries for like $9. Where else in NYC can you feed 2 people for $9. I WILL hate this tomorrow.

9) My Car- I was able to go to a mall today because I have a car. A rare occasion. I was also able to park it- a bonus.

8) The Internet- it allows you to do so much in so little time. What else is there to say except who are you kidding Al?

7) My Cole Haan bag- I really like this bag I bought a lot. Since I was at a mall today I could carry it around. I miss you purse- damn you diaper bag!!!

6) Starbucks- I love a good iced coffee on a summer day. Tomorrow I will remember that they are not in my neighborhood and for that I am grateful.

5) Flip Flops- I wait all winter to break these suckers out. I will wear them until it is 65 degrees outside.

4) Straws- such a simple thing. I love drinking with a straw and I love that an unwrapped straw keeps my kid entertained for at least 20 minutes.

3) Elevators- if there is an elevator I am on it or I should say in it.

2) Dove deodorant- since this came on the market I haven't used anything else. It really is the best.

1) My Hair- I finally figured out how to straighten it myself and have it look ok. This is my hair miracle. It has changed my life.