
Nothin' but lists. Lists morning noon and night. Lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists, lists.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Very Scary

I finally got around to seeing No Country For Old Men this week. Holy crap it was suspenseful! Even Jay-bee was covering his eyes at one point. Now at night when I close my eyes to go to sleep, I can't get images of Javier Bardem out of my head. He really scared me. A lot. I am a big sissy pants when it comes to movies. I get scared fairly easily. Here is my list of

8 Scary Movie Villains

1) Dr Hannibal Lecter- just hearing his voice makes me almost wet my pants. It is true- some one who is calm is much scarier than a screaming lunatic.

2) Darth Vader- my childhood nightmare. I still have bad dreams every once in a while with him as the bad guy.

3) Anton Chigurh- the newest scary guy. I mean REALLY scary.

4) Max Cady- I think DeNiro is scarier in the remake of Cape Fear. What a psycho. I saw this movie in high school and as a teenage girl, it unnerved me to no end.

5) Bruce The Shark- more childhood trauma. Seriously, who lets a 4 year old watch Jaws? My parents. I am still afraid to go into the ocean, even when swimming in a triathlon!

6) Buffalo Bill/ Jame Gumb- another psycho from Silence Of The Lambs. For me the creepiest thing about him was he could have been someone you bumped into during the course of your every day life.

7) Joan Crawford- show Mommy Dearest to your 12 year old and they will straighten up and fly right if you know what I mean. She is still the scariest mom in town.

8) Jack Torrance- I didn't see The Shining until I got to college and it kept me awake for days afterwards. Jack is brilliant and it is Stephen King at his best.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


One of my childhood friends sent me one of those email surveys where you fill in answers to silly questions. One of them I had a hard time answering. What is your favorite drink? I have a lot of favorite drinks. It all depends on the circumstances of course. Its a simple list really but fun one none the less. Here is the list of

6 Favorite Drinks

1) Southern Drink- sweet tea with lemon. When I go back to Florida, I drink this by the gallon.

2) Childhood Drink- Minute Maid Fruit Punch. It is just so sweet and delicious.

3) Soda Drink- Coke from a fountain. I also like Cheerwine. However, I do not drink soda that much anymore. In fact I try to avoid it period.

4) Adult Drink- Sangria- I just love it. The best is to sit outside in the summer evening having sangria and chips and guac!

5) Everyday Drink- decaf iced tea. I still put lemon in this version too.

6) Cold Weather Drink- caramel macchaito. Damn you, Starbucks. This is like liquid crack in a cup. I have sworn them off all together like all the other high calorie, high sugar drinks I used to enjoy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

He Says, He Says

This entry is an update on the kiddie front. For those of you who know little Thud, he has been talking for a while now and he talks a lot! Now he has moved on to say things that would be on that old TV show, "Kids Say The Darndest Things". Here is my list of

5 Sassy Things Thud Has Said Recently

1) "Mom, you take your hair down." My son didn't like it the other day when I put my hair in a ponytail. I now know how it feels to live under a dictatorship.

2) "Mamaw and Papaw need to come visit us."- Yes, little one, your grandparents can just drop their lives and run 1200 miles north for a visit. Jeez! My in-laws are thinking about coming for a vis it in April. I hope Thud can wait that long!

3) "No nap, no quiet time!"- I am now putting in 12 hour mommy days with no break. I thought that was against union rules. My son has been not taking his regular nap for the past 5 weeks. It is the current bain of my existence.

4) "You take your green shirt off"- Thud said this and then tried to forcibly remove my shirt from me. Thank God we weren't in public. He was very angry about the fact that I had a green shirt on. What is wrong with this kid?

5) "I hit my Mom."- I am admitting my most embarrassing parental flaw to the world right here. When my son gets upset, mad, frustrated, angry, etc. he says "I hit my Mom" and then attempts a few swings at me. I am mortified by this behavior and have taken steps to correct it. They are having little success. Ggrrrr!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Little Overindulgence

I do not consider myself a shop-a-holic. I enjoy browsing as much as the next girl but when it comes to making a commitment at the register, I tend to get cold feet. I can also talk myself out of buying lots of things. Like anyone, there are always exceptions to this. Always! Here is my list of

5 Frivolities I Could Overindulge In

1) Make Up and Hair Products- I could go into Sephora and drop $500 in a matter of minutes. I am a cheap skate who sees nothing wrong with paying $40 for mascara or $50 for hair conditioner from the Amazon rain forest.

2) Electronics- I see other people with new gadgets and I want them too. Iphone- want it!

3) Chocolate- oh how I adore chocolate. I can't think of anyone who doesn't. I really like Vosges. They have really interesting flavors and make a candy bar with bacon. Who cares how much it is?

4) Accessories- I am not as in to clothes any more. I can't really own nice clothing at this stage in my life. They run a high risk of getting ruined. Now my focus is accessories. I have always loved bags and shoes. Wallets and key fobs now do it for me too!

5) Books- I have a running list of books I want to get/buy. Right now there is 10-12 books on it. We are running out of room for books at my house. That is a good thing, right?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ver Batem

The other day at a play date, Rach made a reference to Trading Places by saying a joke told in the movie. I got it right away. I know that movie like the back of my hand. I realized there are a bunch of movies that are like that for me. I can say all the lines or some cases, sing all the songs. Here is my list of

9 Movies I Know All Of The Lines To

1) Steel Magnolias
2) Grease
3) Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
4) Sense and Sensibility
5) Coming To America
6) Napoleon Dynamite
7) 9 to 5
8) When Harry Met Sally
9) The Princess Bride

Friday, February 08, 2008

Friends Are The Friendliest

My friends are an essential part of my life. My college friends in particular are like my 2nd family. I was able to get together with a bunch of them last night for drinks and to talk and catch up. I think a good time was had by all. I love that I can go months or in some cases over a year without seeing some of them and pick up right where we left off- the sign of any beautiful friendship! So last night as were muscling our way over to sit down at a table, I looked around and was reminded as to how lucky I am to have these people in my life. They all have something different that they give me. Here is my list of

5 Things I Count On From My College Friends

1) Support- it has come in all sorts of forms from these guys. It might be babysitting from Shannonymous or a Panera visit with Big Bill that makes my day go by faster or a movie with Tinselteeth ( I think I have to re- title her. The braces are gone now!) They have all helped me in some way and they may not even know it.

2) Havin' A Laugh- these people are funny. Plain and simple. My face always feels a bit tight on the way home. In a good way.

3) Honesty- I feel like for the most part my friends are honest with me in a good way. They are not mean about telling me things that I need to hear. I think if your friends can't be honest with you, than no one can.

4) In Spite Of- my old friends love me in spite of my self. They take me for who I am, flaws and all. I think a few of them even enjoy a few of the flaws in a weird way!

5) A Simple Understanding- These are people with whom I have had life changing experiences with. They have been to funerals and weddings with me. We have faced criticism and praise, put in crazy insane hours on projects with one another. My college experience was an equivalent of "The War" in my life. My comrades experienced the same things with me. We have been there and back together- I don't have to fill them in on things.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Sooner Or Later

It was bound to happen. I think it is the fate of most people. At some point in our adult lives we realize we are turning into our parents. I have mixed feelings bout becoming my mother. On one hand, I think she is a great person. I love her and admire her. On the other hand, I watched her make some mistakes I do not care to repeat. Like everything, its about finding balance. Having said that, there is at least once a day that I am reminded that I am turning into my Mom. Here is my list of

4 Ways I Am Becoming My Mother

1) Weird Packages- I used to get the weirdest things sent to me in college care packages. Like coupons and beauty samples. Now I can't seem to break the cycle as I just sent Vivi a package with a bra and a random book. Yeah weird, I know.

2) Saying Stuff- I know everyone does this one. I hear myself saying things to Thud that Mom used to say to me. My favorite was "You kids are going to drive me to drink!". I try to avoid that one. I want to say it like 20 times a day but I haven't yet.

3) Losing My Mind- in my teens, I thought my mother was crazy and she was. Why was she that way? I made her that way. Me and my brother. Yes I have contributed to the mental demise of a fellow human being. Mom- I am so sorry. If it makes you feel any better, it is happening to me!

4) My Opinion=Important- I realized that I have this weird need to tell everyone what I think about most things. I don't have the ability to keep stuff to myself. Not everyone wants to know how I think they should be living their own lives. This is my mother in me. Big time. This is one of those things I am making an effort to change!